Riverbank's IR team became a meeting-booking powerhouse

CapitalxAI's AI-driven platform enabled Riverbank Finance to expand its investor network and streamline capital raising efforts effectively.

Mar 6, 2024
Riverbank's IR team became a meeting-booking powerhouse

Enabling Riverbank Finance To Expand Its Investor Network

Riverbank Finance, a New York-based merchant banking solutions provider, faced challenges in expanding its investor and fund manager network to support capital raising efforts for its mid-sized private company clients across Europe. By partnering with CapitalxAI, Riverbank accessed a vast database of alternative asset investors and utilized AI-driven targeted outreach, significantly enhancing their fundraising campaigns. This collaboration not only diversified Riverbank's investor base but also streamlined their operational processes, allowing them to focus more on client acquisition and less on back-office tasks.

  • Increased investor outreach through CapitalxAI's extensive database.
  • Custom AI targeting for precise investor matching.
  • Significant time savings in back-office operations.
  • Enhanced success in client fundraising efforts.

About Riverbank Finance

Riverbank Finance is a leading provider of merchant banking solutions based in Manhattan, New York. Catering to mid-sized private companies across Europe, they offer customized services to address the unique challenges of each client, including capital raising through debt or equity. Riverbank does not limit itself to any particular industry, serving clients in sectors like technology, mining, blockchain, logistics, and construction. With a small, dedicated team, Riverbank has built a reputation for trust and bespoke financial solutions since its first client engagement in March 2003.

Challenges Faced by Riverbank Finance

  • Riverbank Finance needed to expand its investor and fund manager network to support capital raising efforts for clients in new sectors such as technology, mining, blockchain, logistics, and construction.
  • Before using CapitalxAI, Riverbank had a limited selection of investors and fund managers, which restricted their ability to fully support their clients' diverse capital raising needs.
  • The expansion into new sectors required access to a more diverse set of investors to match the specific needs of each client and transaction.
  • The limited reach and network constrained Riverbank's ability to effectively facilitate capital raising for private firms, hindering potential growth and the success of their clients' fundraising campaigns.

Decision Process

Riverbank's search for a solution led them to CapitalxAI, influenced by a successful past collaboration between CapitalxAI and a New York investment bank. Riverbank valued CapitalxAI's strong market reputation, high-quality customer service, and the ability to provide custom AI for hyper-precision targeting in investor outreach. The decision-making process was driven by the need for a more diversified investor base and streamlined operations, with CapitalxAI's offerings aligning perfectly with Riverbank's goals.

The Solution and Implementation

CapitalxAI provided Riverbank with access to a broad database of investors, employing AI-driven analysis for precise targeting based on sector and investment size. The implementation of CapitalxAI's solutions allowed Riverbank to enhance their outreach campaigns and connect with a wider array of investors and fund managers. The onboarding process was seamless, with CapitalxAI's team managing the operational and back-office tasks, allowing Riverbank to focus on client engagement and service excellence.

Campaign Results

The partnership with CapitalxAI revolutionized Riverbank's approach to capital raising for its clients. The use of AI for targeted outreach and the extensive database of investors significantly increased the success rate of client fundraising campaigns. Riverbank was able to save considerable time on back-office operations, reallocating resources towards client acquisition and service improvement. The qualitative benefits included stronger client relationships, increased trust due to successful fundraising efforts, and the ability to enter new sectors with confidence.

This case study exemplifies the transformative impact of integrating AI and advanced data analytics into traditional banking practices, showcasing a forward-looking approach to investment banking solutions.

Client names have been omitted or altered to uphold confidentiality agreements and ensure privacy.

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